If you are looking for the newly formed University of Cincinnati Press, please note, this is not it. The University of Cincinnati Press website is currently in development. In the meantime, to reach Elizabeth Scarpelli, press director, please email ucincinnatipress@uc.edu.
The University of Cincinnati Press will focus on two programs: peer-reviewed scholarly works in social justice and a regional community engagement imprint featuring the rich history of Cincinnati and its university. As a new press with operations located in and supported by the University of Cincinnati Libraries, we approach 21st century publishing with a fresh eye focused on seamless integration of print and digital and a keen enthusiasm for ways to centralize new modes of academic work, scholarly communication and rich multimedia data in the field of social justice which will match the ways scholars and readers interact with content today.

Press Director

Dean, UC Libraries
If you have problems with any portion of this site, you may email the site developer here, or send a note to linda.newman@uc.edu.
If you are looking for digital collections of the former University of Cincinnati Digital Press, these collections are now available as open access digital collections through the Digital Collections and Repositories website.
For online exhibits once found on this site, go to digital.libraries.uc.edu/exhibits.
For bibliographies of UCDP titles, go to ucdp.uc.edu.bibs.html.
For Lewis and Clark: A Journey, go to digital.libraries.uc.edu/lewisandclark/
For Art as Image: Prints and Promotion in Cincinnati, Ohio, go to digital.libraries.uc.edu/ArtAsImage/
If you have any questions please email ucdp@uc.edu. Thank you.